VisIt uses python as it's scripting language. Everything configurable under the VisIt GUI can also be done via scripting. For the full VisIt python scripting API see
The main reason you may want to crete scripts, is to be able to create consistent visualizations/movies, which you can tweak easily without having to open the full blown VisIt package.
Another reason, is that currently VisIt has issues with opening a collection of Silo files. It assumes that all the files in a Silo database has the same number of blocks and hierarchy, and the first file. Using a script, can force the script to open each file individually (and close it respectively), forcing to re-read the block description every time (i.e. re-read the meta data.)
To envoke a script you can either do it with a window showing the results:
visit -cli -geometry 640x480 -s
visit -cli -nowin -s
Window (movie) size, colors, ranges are easily changed. From samples of code it is fairly self explanatory. If in doubt, consult the manual, or try changing settings in a actual VisIt session.
You will notice i open each file individually, render, and then close it. this may be slower than opening them all at once as a true database ("fluid.*.vtk"), and then just indexing through the frames; but this solves any Silo issues, as i mentioned previously.
If necessary, there is a way to make it run in parallel, from within the python code (and assuming a VisIt parallel compute engine was already defined and saved.)
Here is a sample that does visualization of both a fluid and solid: #!/usr/bin/python # visit -cli -geometry 320x240 -s # visit -cli -nowin -s # print PlotPlugins() print "VTF VisIt Movie Frame Dumper (One-at-a-time Version) 2006 v.0.1" HideToolbars() windowAttributes = SaveWindowAttributes() windowAttributes.fileName = "/dev/null/shot.vtfdyna.BLANK.png" windowAttributes.format = windowAttributes.PNG windowAttributes.width = 640 windowAttributes.height = 480 = 0 SetSaveWindowAttributes(windowAttributes) viewAttributes = View3DAttributes() annotations = AnnotationAttributes() annotations.axesFlag=0 annotations.bboxFlag=0 annotations.triadFlag=0 annotations.gradientBackgroundStyle=annotations.TopToBottom annotations.gradientColor1 =(255,255,255,255) annotations.gradientColor2 =(223,223,223,255) annotations.backgroundMode =annotations.Gradient annotations.userInfoFlag =0 annotations.databaseInfoFlag=0 annotations.legendInfoFlag =1 SetAnnotationAttributes(annotations) first =1 viewSetup=View3DAttributes() solidColorScale=PseudocolorAttributes() solidColorScale.minFlag=1 solidColorScale.maxFlag=1 solidColorScale.min=0.00 solidColorScale.max=0.01 solidColorScale.colorTableName="calewhite" fluidColorScale=PseudocolorAttributes() fluidColorScale.minFlag=1 fluidColorScale.maxFlag=1 fluidColorScale.min= 0.00 fluidColorScale.max=15.00 #fluidColorScale.colorTableName="hot" clipSetup=ClipAttributes() clipSetup.plane1Status=0 clipSetup.plane2Status=1 clipSetup.plane3Status=1 startFrame = 1 endFrame = 153 stepBetweenFrames = 1 for i in range(startFrame,endFrame,stepBetweenFrames): # HARDWIRED NOTICE: windowAttributes.fileName = "shots/shot.vtfdyna.%04i.png" % i # HARDWIRED NOTICE: solidfile = "/Volumes/Documents/viz/vtf/2006-dyna/solid/cannister.%04i.vtk" % i fluidfile = "/Volumes/Documents/viz/vtf/2006-dyna/fluid/fluid.%04i.vtk" % i SetSaveWindowAttributes(windowAttributes) print "Opening ",solidfile OpenDatabase(solidfile) AddPlot("Pseudocolor","Color") SetPlotOptions(solidColorScale) AddOperator("Clip") SetOperatorOptions(clipSetup) OpenDatabase(fluidfile) AddPlot("Pseudocolor","Density") SetPlotOptions(fluidColorScale) AddOperator("Clip") SetOperatorOptions(clipSetup) DrawPlots() if first == 1: # let visit setup near/far planes and such, then just rotate the cannister viewSetup = GetView3D() #viewSetup.viewNormal = ( -.707, 0, .707 ) viewSetup.viewNormal = (-0.480788, 0.397592, 0.781514) viewSetup.viewUp = ( 0.19518 , 0.917453, -0.346676) print viewSetup first = 0 SetView3D (viewSetup) SaveWindow() SetActivePlots(1) HideActivePlots() SetActivePlots(0) HideActivePlots() DeleteAllPlots() ClearWindow() CloseDatabase(solidfile) CloseDatabase(fluidfile) #ShowToolbars() print "Done!" CloseComputeEngine() Close() #!/usr/bin/python # visit -cli -geometry 640x480 -s # visit -cli -nowin -s # print PlotPlugins() print "VTF VisIt Movie Frame Dumper (One-at-a-time Version) 2006 v.0.1" HideToolbars() false=0 true =1 windowAttributes = SaveWindowAttributes() windowAttributes.fileName = "/dev/null/shot.shocktube.BLANK.ppm" windowAttributes.format = windowAttributes.PNG windowAttributes.width = 640 windowAttributes.height = 480 = 0 SetSaveWindowAttributes(windowAttributes) lightSetup=GetLight(0) lightSetup.direction=(-0.616,-0.596,-0.515) lightSetup.direction=(-6,-1,-5) SetLight(0,lightSetup) viewAttributes = View3DAttributes() annotations = AnnotationAttributes() annotations.axesFlag=0 annotations.bboxFlag=1 annotations.triadFlag=0 annotations.gradientBackgroundStyle=annotations.TopToBottom annotations.gradientColor1 =(255,255,255,255) annotations.gradientColor2 =(223,223,223,255) annotations.backgroundMode =annotations.Gradient annotations.userInfoFlag =0 annotations.databaseInfoFlag=0 annotations.legendInfoFlag =1 SetAnnotationAttributes(annotations) first =1 fullview=0 volumerendering=1 viewSetup=View3DAttributes() fluidColorScale=PseudocolorAttributes() fluidColorScale.minFlag=1 fluidColorScale.maxFlag=1 fluidColorScale.min= 0.50 fluidColorScale.max= 1.00 fluildVolumeRendering=VolumeAttributes() fluildVolumeRendering.useColorVarMin=1 fluildVolumeRendering.useColorVarMax=1 fluildVolumeRendering.colorVarMin= 0.50 fluildVolumeRendering.colorVarMax= 1.00 fluildVolumeRendering.opacityAttenuation = 0.8 fluildVolumeRendering.resampleTarget = 10000000 # 10000000 max samples clipSetup=ClipAttributes() clipSetup.plane1Status=0 clipSetup.plane2Status=1 clipSetup.plane3Status=1 startFrame = 1 endFrame = 70+1 stepBetweenFrames = 1 for i in range(startFrame,endFrame,stepBetweenFrames): # HARDWIRED NOTICE: windowAttributes.fileName = "shots/shot.shocktube.%03i.png" % i # HARDWIRED NOTICE: fluidfile = "shocktube.%06i.silo" % i SetSaveWindowAttributes(windowAttributes) print "Opening ",fluidfile OpenDatabase(fluidfile) if volumerendering == 1: AddPlot("Volume","VAR_DENSITY/ALL_LEVELS") SetPlotOptions(fluildVolumeRendering) else: AddPlot("Pseudocolor","VAR_DENSITY/ALL_LEVELS") SetPlotOptions(fluidColorScale) AddOperator("Clip") SetOperatorOptions(clipSetup) DrawPlots() if first == 1: # let visit setup near/far planes and such, then just rotate the cannister viewSetup = GetView3D() # VIEW SETUP: imported from session # // viewSetup.viewNormal = ( -0.994206, 0.0959506, 0.0484523) # // viewSetup.viewUp = ( 0.0292883,0.675518, -0.736762) # // viewSetup.centerOfRotation = (5,0,0) if fullview == 1: viewSetup.centerOfRotation = (5,0,0) viewSetup.centerOfRotationSet = false viewSetup.eyeAngle = 2 viewSetup.farPlane = 10.025 viewSetup.focus = (5,0,0) viewSetup.imagePan = (0.00711994,0.00334017) viewSetup.imageZoom = 5.83332 viewSetup.nearPlane = -10.025 viewSetup.parallelScale = 5.01248 viewSetup.perspective = true viewSetup.viewAngle = 30 viewSetup.viewNormal = (-0.994206,0.0959506,0.0484523) viewSetup.viewUp = (0.0292883,0.675518,-0.736762) else: viewSetup.centerOfRotation = (5,0,0) viewSetup.centerOfRotationSet = false viewSetup.eyeAngle = 2 viewSetup.farPlane = 10.025 viewSetup.focus = (5,0,0) viewSetup.imagePan = (-0.246716,-0.0348233) viewSetup.imagePan = (-0.23,-0.0348233) viewSetup.imageZoom = 8.10077 viewSetup.nearPlane = -10.025 viewSetup.parallelScale = 5.01248 viewSetup.perspective = true viewSetup.viewAngle = 30 viewSetup.viewNormal = (-0.546913,0.331628,0.768706) viewSetup.viewUp = (0.10363,0.937954,-0.330913) print viewSetup first = 0 SetView3D (viewSetup) SaveWindow() HideActivePlots() DeleteAllPlots() ClearWindow() CloseDatabase(fluidfile) #ShowToolbars() print "Done!" CloseComputeEngine() Close()
Finally, you will notice that the camera is setup with specific values for the viewNormal and viewUp. These can be very hard to do manually. It is best either not to tweak the camera, and let VisIt position it by itself (at least the first time), or to extract the camera values from an actual VisIt session. VisIt sessions are stored as XML, so it is fairly easy to parse through it, looking form the View3DAttributes tag. If you have not stored multiple cameras, you can also use this small script to extrac the values, and put them in python format easily:
#!/bin/csh set sessionfile = "~/.visit/visit.session" if ( $1 != "" ) then set sessionfile = $1 endif cat $sessionfile | \ sed -e 's/>/ /g' | \ sed -e 's/</ /g' | \ sed -e 's/=/ /g' | \ sed -e 's/"//g' | \ awk '{if ($3=="View3DAttributes") { doprint=1 } \ else if ( $1 == "/Object") { doprint = 2 } \ if (doprint==1 && NF>4 ) { \ printf ("\t\tviewSetup.%s = ",$3); \ if (NF>7) printf("("); \ for (i=6; i<NF; i++) { printf("%s,",$i) } \ if (NF>7) printf(")"); printf("\n"); \ }}' | \ sed -e 's/,$//' | \ sed -e 's/,)$/)/' | \ sort | uniq | \ sed -e 's/length,.,//'