: COPYRIGHT - Warranty disclaimer
: COPYRIGHT - GNU license
: COPYRIGHT - GNU license
: README - GNU license
: README - GNU license
: README - Free to use
: README - GNU license
: README - GNU license
and vtf/amroc/weno/unidrivers
: COPYRIGHT - BSD license
: COPYRIGHT - Restricted BSD-type license
: COPYRIGHT - BSD license
Note that a significant number of further solvers/discretizations and application cases have been developed within the AMROC/VTF system and are documented in the authors' publications. However, if the corresponding files are not included in the .tgz files below, these codes are not released into the public domain and they are not free-to-use. See AMROC course page for further clarification.
We would like to keep an informal record who is downloading the VTF software. Please fill out the short form below providing the five-character authentication password shown in the graphic below and submit it. You will receive an automated, immediate email response that will provide you with a password for the user name anonymous
with which you can access the TAR-files and the CVS repository. Note that this password changes daily at 2:00AM PST.
and the current password received via email. If you encounter major problems in downloading the VTF software, feel free to send email to RalfDeiterding.
The fluid-structure coupling routines of the VTF (cf. vtf/stlib/packages/elc
) assume a partitioned approach and make use of MPI. Compilation of the directory vtf/fsi
, included in VTF-1.0.tgz, FSI-Only-1.0.tgz, and AMROC-Clawpack-1.0.tgz (partially), requires configuration with --enable-mpi=yes
or MPI=yes
in vtf/setup
. See Installation and Configuration.
- RalfDeiterding - 29 Dec 2016