HMX Detonation in a Tantalum Cylinder
The simulation is a simplified version of the following setup:
- AMR base mesh 60x60x120, two additional levels with factors 2, 4 to resolve detonation wave in HMX, Roe+HLL fluid solver
- Fluid simulation uses <10M cells instead of 221M (uniform)
- Detonation propagation in HMX
- Coupling at level 1
- Solid mesh 56k elements, Tantalum material model with J2 flow theory with Vinet’s thermal equation of state
- The boundary conditions on the solid are varied in the pictures below and in the attached movies
- ~500h CPU with 14 fluid and 2 solid processes on ALC
- Source code: [fluid codes] [solid codes]

- AMR levels:
- Weak scalability study: fractions of time spent in different parts of the coupled applications
Solid | S1 | S2 | S4 | S3 |
Iterations | 1080 | 1240 | 1480 | 1400 |
Processes | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 |
Elements (M) | 0.443 | 0.443 | 0.443 | 0.443 |
Init | 3207 | 3195 | 3188 | 3229 |
Main | 4553 | 4446 | 4473 | 5209 |
ELC | 7742 | 7398 | 7479 | 9882 |
Misc | 491 | 499 | 589 | 493 |
Scaled | 1524 | 1296 | 1092 | 1344 |
Fluid | S1 | S2 | S4 | S3 |
AMR Iterations | 27 | 31 | 37 | 35 |
Processes | 26 | 52 | 104 | 78 |
Cells (M) | 6.18 | 9.77 | 16.1 | 13.0 |
Solver | 1149 | 991 | 965 | 1109 |
Synchronization | 7648 | 7320 | 6923 | 10092 |
GFM Overhead | 678 | 575 | 547 | 634 |
CPT Algorithm | 264 | 278 | 333 | 326 |
ELC | 4456 | 4481 | 4558 | 4517 |
Misc | 1300 | 1294 | 1367 | 1284 |
Scaled | 1518 | 1573 | 1531 | 2085 |
RalfDeiterding - 06 Oct 2005