Phase 0 Visualization Issues

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Chris Bond discovered that the imaging system used to aquire the Schlierens of the flow had an aspect ratio of 1.03 due to the different folcal lenghts involved. Also the Schlieren images had to be post-processed to remove a 'barreling' aberration (a vertically compression of the image that was most pronounced in the center of the image). For standarization, the final image produced has 284 pixels per inch. corrected image

In producing the simulation images, I discovered that Tecplot (our default viz program) uses pixels with an aspect ratio (dx/dy) of 1.06. This is consistent with a PALS standard and has to be corrected when comparing with the images Chris produced (which have aspect ratio 1).

After making all of these correction, our agreement is very good. As an example, this image comes from 'Run 42', a Mach 1.507 shock, wedge angels 14.7 and 10.2 degrees with an unshocked gas pressure of 22.75 kPa. This image was taken 0.186ms after the shock past a transducer located 13inches from the apex of the wedge (measured in the horizontal direction)

  • Run42: Using Clawpack
    Corrected images

  • WENO-TCD version
    WENO-TCD version

  • Using a mapped mesh - done by George:
    Using a mapped mesh - done by George

Attachment sort Action down Size Date Who Comment
convShock_grid.jpg manage 40.4 K 24 Apr 2006 - 00:34 DavidHill Example of a mapped grid
AMRmeshLevels.jpg manage 38.9 K 24 Apr 2006 - 01:25 DavidHill Example of levels
AMRmeshCU.jpg manage 148.2 K 24 Apr 2006 - 01:34 DavidHill Closeup of AMR mesh

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