Back to Phase 0
Here we examine the flow in the wedge after the shock has bounced off the apex and is exiting the wedge. This was motivated by an image from the Phase 0 experiment ( for which I do not have the exact time ), that show what appear to be boundary layers on the wedge plates and an interesting large residual structure in the main area of the wedge.
Our purely inviscid simulations reproduce this residual structure, and indicate that it orginates from the interaction near the apex of the exiting shock with the strong reflected shocks produced during the convergent phase.
Simulations of the Phase 0 experiment, computed using clawpack and 4 levels (base grid of 500x200 with refinement factors 2,2,2) . This represents a Mach 1.5 shock in a single gas (gamma = 1.4, and molecular weight 28.0)
-- DavidHill - 03 Nov 2005