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No slip results: WENO-TCD 4th order bandwidth optimized

  • Constant Viscosity and Conductivity

-- JackZiegler? - 07 Aug 2008

I Attachment sort Size Date Who up Comment
wenotcd4thbandwidthNoslip0000.jpeg 222.3 K 07 Aug 2008 - 17:35 JackZiegler? constant props. noslip
wenotcd4thbandwidthNoslipcontour0000.jpeg 237.5 K 07 Aug 2008 - 17:37 JackZiegler? constant props. noslip
wenotcd4thbandwidthNoslipdcflac0000.jpeg 561.6 K 07 Aug 2008 - 17:37 JackZiegler? constant props. noslip
wenotcd4thbandwidthNoslipwhole0000.jpeg 117.6 K 07 Aug 2008 - 17:37 JackZiegler? constant props. noslip

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