
Last time, t = 2e-5 seconds.

  • SlipvNRSMR: Viscous slip BC Transition 3.5-4.0 degrees

  • NoSlipvNRSMR: Viscous no slip BC Transition 3.5-4.0 degrees

  • NoSlipvNRSMR2: *started further left to minimize corner/boundary layer interaction error

Note: the no slip bc results are at the moment corrupted by an reflected shock wave originating when the initial boundary layer touches the corner.

Also, the AMR scaled gradient parameter was made 100 times smaller in order to enforce the use of the finer levels around the extremely weak reflected shock waves found in these simulations. Also, in order to view the small differences of the properties around the "triple point" the max and min values of the psuedocolor plots were modified as from the intitial limits from the global min and max values.

-- JackZiegler? - 21 Aug 2008

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