High resolution performance results

24 processors, SHC

  • For the following tests we used the computational domain: x = [-0.01,0.1], y = [0, 0.025]
  • Clawpack: base level 220x50 cells with levels refined 2,2,4,4 times respectively, max cfl = 0.9
  • WENO-TCD: base level 220x50 cells with levels refined 2,2,2,4 times respectively, max cfl = 0.85

  • Slip Performance results
Method whole time integration time time steps cost/timestep (sec)
Roe- van Albada: 2x Refined 12914 3967 481 8.2
Weno-TCD-bandwidth 4th order: pressure only dcflag, pcurv=1e6 21898 5952 225 26.5
Weno-TCD-bandwidth 2nd order: pressure only dcflag, pcurv=5e6 8325 3175 452 7.0
Weno-TCD-bandwidth 2nd order: pressure only dcflag, pcurv=1e7 13592 5188 529 9.8
Weno-TCD-bandwidth 4th order: pressure only dcflag, pcurv=5e6 9856 3864 456 8.5
Weno-TCD-bandwidth 4th order: pressure only dcflag, pcurv=1e7 20634 8196 608 13.5

  • No Slip Performance results
Method whole time integration time time steps cost/timestep (sec)
Roe- van Albada: 2x Refined, (220x50 base grid, 2,2,4,4 refinefinement, (x,y)[(-.01,.1)(.0,.025)], max cfl 0.9) 26338 10426 577 18.0
Weno-TCD-bandwidth 4th order: pressure only dcflag, pcurv=1e6 28093 9203 243 37.9
Weno-TCD-bandwidth 2nd order: pressure only dcflag, pcurv=5e6 17035 7216 512 14.1
Weno-TCD-bandwidth 2nd order: pressure only dcflag, pcurv=1e7 16510 7212 525 13.7
Weno-TCD-bandwidth 4th order: pressure only dcflag, pcurv=5e6 18799 8270 519 15.9
Weno-TCD-bandwidth 4th order: pressure only dcflag, pcurv=1e7 33115 14493 640 22.6

64 processors, SHC

  • For the following tests we used the computational domain: x = [-0.01,0.1], y = [0, 0.025]
  • 5 levels: base level 110x25 cells with 4 more levels refined 2,2,4,4 times respectively
  • The "normalized cost/timestep" is adjusted for the differing base grid resolutions

  • Slip Performance results
Method whole time integration time time steps cost/timestep (sec) normalized cost/timestep
Roe- van Albada 3767 353 227 1.6 0.8
Roe- van Albada: inviscid 3062 284 187 1.5 0.75
Roe- van Albada: 2x Refined 10328 1534 481 3.2 1.6
Weno-TCD-bandwidth 4th order 14764 1898 221 8.6 4.3

  • No Slip Performance results
Method whole time integration time time steps cost/timestep (sec) normalized cost/timestep
Roe- van Albada 5436 776 259 3.0 1.5
Roe- van Albada: 2x Refined 16768 3944 577 6.8 3.4
Weno-TCD-bandwidth 4th order 24043 3640 241 15 7.5


-- JackZiegler? - 11 Aug 2008

Amroc > DoubleMachReflectionStudy > VariablePropPerformanceDMR
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