Blast Wave Propagation in a Mining Pit Accident

This simulation is a three-dimensional demo simulation that models the over-pressure propagation in a blast wave from the explosion of 33kg TNT in an accident near a mining pit. A simplified surface topology, including buildings, is considered. The domain shown below covers an area of 460m x 300m. The initial explosion occurs at the origin of the coordinate system. The base fluid mesh is 92x60x41 cells and only one level of refinement with factor was used.

Triangulated surface geometry

The following movies display the blast wave propagation:

  • GroundSl.mpg: Over-pressure development on the ground (seen from below)
  • SlicesSl.mpg: Over-pressure blast wave above ground

-- RalfDeiterding - 02 Mar 2007

Attachment sort Action Size Date Who Comment down
SlicesSl.mpg manage 3590.0 K 02 Mar 2007 - 23:26 RalfDeiterding Over-pressure blast wave above ground
GroundSl.mpg manage 3626.6 K 02 Mar 2007 - 23:15 RalfDeiterding Over-pressure development on the ground (seen from below)

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