The simulation of DMR (Double Mach Reflection) problem for the 2d dimensional Navier-stokes equations was computed for the 2nd order CLAWPACK, symmetric WENO, and WENO-TCD to compare the performance and resolution capability, clearness and complexity found in the shear layer (aka mixing layer, or in the simple 3 shock inviscid theory: the slipline). In these compuations, done in the spirit of DNS (direct numerical simulation), the full resolution of turbulent, viscous, conduction, and shock thickness scales is unknown. These scales are definitely unresolved in coarse mesh simulations, however, may be either fully or partially resolved in the fine mesh simulations. The purpose of this comparison is to analyze how using different methods impacts the clarity of the diffusive phenomenon in underresolved (as by the scales mentioned) simulations. For example, the effects of upwinded/symmetrical stencils, order/bandwidth optimization, and other dissipative changes for the Clawpack, Weno, and WENO-TCD solvers is investigated. The problem set-up for these compuations is available under PerfectGasRamp, SutherlandRamp, PerfectGasRampGFM, and SutherlandRampGFM in the weno and clawpack: applications/euler/2D directories.