Regular Cellular Structure, H2:O2:Ar / 2:1:7, T0 =298 K, p0 =6.67 kPa
The one-dimensional solution of Fig. 3.1 is used as initial condition and the non-planar disturbance is initiated by the burning of an unreacted pocket with the temperature T=2086 K behind the detonation front. The detonation channel has the width 3 cm. After an initial time of about 200 microseconds the transverse oscillation is extremely regular.
The simulation uses Godunov-splitting for the incorporation of the source term and for the dimensional extension of a hybrid Roe-HLL scheme with MUSCL reconstruction. Automatic time step adjustment for CCFL = 0.95, Van Albada-limiter, 44.8 Pts per induction length lig. Dynamic adaptive mesh refinement with AMROC with two additional refinement levels (refinement factors 4,4). The computational time was 2150 h CPU time on Pentium-III 850 MHz.
Snapshot of temperature field and adaptive refinement in the first half of a detonation cell.
Snapshot of temperature field and adaptive refinement in the second half of a detonation cell.
Triple point tracks with detonation cells and location of the detonation front for the eight snapshots.
-- RalfDeiterding - 20 Dec 2004