Numerical Simulations of Gaseous Detonations

Detonations with Detailed Hydrogen-Oxygen Chemistry

Initial conditions

Analogous to the one-step detonation model, the Euler equations for thermally perfect gas-mixtures with detailed chemical reaction can be solved exactly, if we assume a planar stationary detonation wave propagating with constant speed. For the following simulations we use the planar one-dimensional solution for a H2:O2:Ar Chapman-Jouguet detonation with molar ratios 2:1:7 at T0 =298 K and p0 =6.67 kPa or p0 =10.0 kPa as initial condition. For p0 =6.67 kPa the detonation is shown in Fig. 3.1. The induction length lig for this configuration is approximately 1.4 mm.




Figure 3.1: Detonation structure of a CJ detonation (dCJ = 1627 m/s) of H2:O2:Ar with molar ratios 2:1:7 at T0 =298 K and p0 =6.67 kPa. The abscissae display the distance behind the detonation front.

-- RalfDeiterding - 20 Dec 2004

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