ISS (indexed simplex format) is an ASCII file format that can be read by the current Amroc front-end to the Closest-Point-Transform algorithm. The format is simply
[Space dimension of vertices (3 assumed in the following)] [Dimension of simplex elements (2)] [Number of vertices] [Vertex 0: x-coord y-coord z-coord] [Vertex 1: x-coord y-coord z-coord] .... [Vertex N-1: x-coord y-coord z-coord] [Number of triangle connectivities] [Connection 0: VertexIndex(0,0) VertexIndex(0,1) VertexIndex(0,2)] ... [Connection M-1: VertexIndex(M-1,0) VertexIndex(M-1,1) VertexIndex(M-1,2)]
In the following, ONE possibility is described to create industry-type triangulated surface meshes in ISS format:
set default block surface
into the Cubit command window.
that is part of the freely available NetCDF suite by Unidata to convert the binary Exodus file from Cubit into an ASCII file. Syntax: ncdump mesh.exo > mesh.txt
to convert the ASCII Exodus file into an ASCII ISS file. Syntax: python stlib/data/geom/mesh/utilities/ mesh.txt mesh.iss
contains some additional tools to work with ISS files.
-- RalfDeiterding - 06 Jun 2006