For the following tests we use outflow boundary conditions on the right, post shock BC's on the left, and symmetric slip bc's on the bottom and on the GFM boundary. In order to minumize boundary errors on the bottom boundary, this problem was solved in a rotatated frame of reference, yet, this made a time dependent BC on the top boundary a nesscessary addition. On the top, left of the incident shock is (in the lab frame) post-shock, and right of the incident shock is pre-shock.
The gas for this test was a Perfect Gas (constant specific heat, viscosity, and conductivity
where the 0 subsript denotes the pre-shock flow (which in the shock stationary frame of reference has a Mach number of 4.5).
* 24 processor results, SHC: * 5 levels: base level with 180x40 cells and 4 more levels refined 2,2,2,4 times respectively * Domain: x=(-.005, .085), y=(0, 0.02)
-- JackZiegler? - 11 Aug 2008